Health and Safety FAQ
Are studio camps and classes open this summer?
Both Los Gatos and San Mateo studios will be open for the 2022-23 school year with health and safety measures in place. Read this FAQ to learn more about these measures.
How are you preparing to reopen your studios?
We will be adhering to the guidelines set by the county. Stay tuned to our social channels and website for updates.
What is your mask policy?
Starting November 2022, wearing a mask is strongly recommended, but not required.
What is your hand washing protocol?
We will also do our best to avoid and discourage as much physical contact with other students and teachers as possible. Hand sanitizers will be provided in the studio. Our teachers wash their hands at least once an hour largely to remove art materials, which will dually serve to prevent spread of illness. Students will be instructed to thoroughly wash their hands after class. Hands are dried with disposable paper towels.
How often do you clean?
Staff will be using disinfectant to clean high use items such as tables, chairs, handles, sinks, and restrooms, as well as shared supplies and tools, before class, after class, and as much as possible throughout the day. Fifteen minute breaks are built between all classes to ensure time to clean.
Can we bring personal items?
Yes, but please limit items to reusable water bottles, jackets/sweaters, and other essential items. Toys and other non-essential items must be left home until further notice.
What is your sick policy for kids?
All sick kids, regardless of the nature of the sickness, are not permitted at camp, including kids with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher. All parents are required to check their child’s temperature and monitor for symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, sore throat, chills, aches or runny nose before camp each day.
What is your sick policy for employees?
All sick employees, regardless of the nature of the sickness, are not permitted to work, including employees with a temperature of 100.4 degrees or higher.
How are you monitoring for exposure to COVID-19?
We ask that parents inform our staff as soon as they or their children show COVID symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has been tested positive.
What is your current refund policy?
If any camps or classes are cancelled by Marvegos, parents will receive full refunds. We will provide at least 5 days’ notice if any changes are made.
If parents cancel all or part of a class registration, they will receive a credit towards future purchases instead of a refund.